(no subject)

Jul 12, 2005 14:05

I feel stuffed. Old people are so weird. This old guy was running on the treadmill behind me right and he was all "moan step moan step moan step" IT WAS SO WEIRDDD. He kept moaning :| and ew it was so perverted. I don't think he realized he was moaning because he had headphones on but I kept turning around and I kept shooting him WTF looks but I guess he didn't get the hint? I finally left because yeah.. creepy.

Then went upstairs to get on the track. Bleh I felt so tired and stuff and lazyyyy. I walked like 25 minutes and ran only like 5 minutes. Bleh. I'm in such a sluggish mood.

mm yeah I feel so mean lately. And I feel REALLY bad for how mean I was to someone on inklink :/ I said something really awful but I'm not telling!
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