Guilt: Redux - 3/17+Epilogue

Aug 16, 2009 13:15

Title: Guilt: Redux
Fandom: Torchwood
Pairings: Jack/Ianto, references to Ianto/Lisa
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: If I was the one who owned Torchwood, you think I'd admit it now?
Spoilers: Some information and events from s1,2. NONE for s3.
Summary: Ianto knows he should be happy. He has his work and he has Lisa. Again. Finally. He knows he should be happy.

Author's Note: Alternate ending to Guilt - events of Guilt up to around ch50 take place. This picks up many months later... (There's a short recap of 'what you NEED to know from Guilt' before chapter one, if you haven't read it)

Thanks to: My lovely beta cazmalfoy, angelzbabe1989 for idea bouncing, and morbid_sparks for cheerleading even when she doesn't know what happens in this...

Previous chapters at master list

Chapter Three

Lisa checked the clock when she woke up the following morning. 8:45am. Plenty of time to get ready before Ianto arrived back to pick her up. On past experience, he wouldn’t arrive before 10, and Ianto was nothing if not consistent.

For the same reason, she knew that she would find the coffee machine in their kitchen armed and ready to dispense the perfect cup of coffee when she went for it, and all of her favourite breakfast foods would be on hand in the fridge.

Her finished library book would be gone, returned to the library before the morning was out. If she’d had any DVDs that needed returning, they too would be gone.

She could say all of this with confidence, because that was how things had been every single morning since she’d come home.

If there was the slightest chance that she might need something, Ianto made sure it was right there for her. She rarely even had a reason to leave the flat, although she’d had the energy and ability to do so for months.

She occasionally wondered if Ianto actually realised the extent to which he was still coddling her.

True to form, Ianto arrived back at the flat at five past ten. Lisa let him help her on with her coat; it didn’t seem worth picking a fight over.

The drive to the Hub wasn’t quite silent, but conversation was sparse. Lisa knew that, despite the last six sets of tests coming back better each time, Ianto worried every time Owen brought her back in for the next ones.

Ianto unlocked the door to the tourist office to let them in, but left the note in the door in place. Today’s read ‘Closed for staff training,’ Lisa noted absently.

She pushed down a tiny twinge of disappointment that, once again, they’d come through this way. She harboured a secret desire to use the invisible lift - in all the months she’d been coming and going from the Hub with Ianto, they’d used the tourist office entrance every time.

One day, she told herself, she was actually just going to ask.

When the cog door rolled back, they went straight to the area just off the autopsy bay that had, over the last few months, become a small examination area. The first tests had taken place in the autopsy bay itself, but both Jack and Ianto had objected vehemently to this, and shortly afterwards work had started on clearing out the new space.

The new area also gave the team somewhere slightly more comfortable than the hard autopsy table to rest during treatment if they got injured, so they were all grateful for its creation.

Owen was already there, a small assortment of instruments and equipment on a tray next to him.

Lisa shrugged out of her jacket and hopped up onto the hospital-style bed along the wall. “So, doc, what do you want from me first today?”

The procedure was almost identical every time she came in. A full check-up; sight and hearing tests, reflex tests, strength tests, blowing into the silly little flow meter so Owen had an actual number to record on her lung function. Not to mention answering what Lisa considered to be an ever more ridiculous series of questions that supposedly checked her psychological status.

Ianto, as was his wont, hovered. There wasn’t really another word to describe it; he rarely said anything to contribute to the exam, but he would just sort of pause at the entrance to the little medical area and watch.

It drove her mad.

Chapter Four
Comments and concrit (yes, really) are adored. Comments = <3

fanfic, tw: jack/ianto, length: 5000-15000, fic: guilt: redux, rating: pg/pg-13, verse: guilt, fandom: torchwood

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