Nov 25, 2004 21:18
wow th efact that i go there is aewsome
I drank and jacussied an di loved it...the space bar is being all drunken and stuff.
Here's what i think:
my dad's laguhter is ocntagious
I like free wages
my mom is a taxidurmy junky
i want to play gin rummy
its onmly thursday and i like your hat
but i'm no tdown wiht that
som eof this rhymes but i like black rappers
dance baby dance before i crappers
Beton a bad team and youll be trapped
but tylers sober so high five for 6 packis
I drank my dad's good vodka and he didnt think it was funny
until he joined me and now its money
night folks
you wish you were here
with my crazy family they're real queer.
my boss is patrice