Jun 24, 2004 22:26
can someone get fired for talking to their boss about their pay rate and the fact that they get paid less than someone who has been there for a year when they have been there for almost 5 years??
Well that happened to me tonight..my boss fired me because i was asking her why i get paid less than everyone else...
mind you..i have been there almost FIVE fsckin years...and should be getting paid almost a dollar more than i do....
She brings her own personal problems into work and takes them out on everyone there...she doesnt deserve that position....NEVER HAS!! she was JUST like me about 6 months ago....
Thing she is missing..i have never been written up....i have never had a verbal warning...i have never had a complaint from my residents...but insted I have had nothing but positive comments about me all the time. Not to sound cocky but no one there really hates me...including her...
She has issues at home that i am not going to mention on here that she brings into work... mind you...this lady is my good friend...who had an awful day and unfortunately i was the one to go... :(
I will be notifing the administrator as well as the labor board about this....
I dont want my job back i just want rightful actions taken...I was wrongfully fired...
WTF...could things just get a LITTLE worse????