Good Feelings

Mar 24, 2012 11:40

Good Feelings
So this week started off great! I am finally happy to be living in Halls Creek. I feel settled with the people I'm working with; with the work I'm doing with the kids; with Bible study and church. Just settled. I could see myself living here for our projected maximum length of time, 4 years. While everyone else was suffering for Monday-itis last week, I was happily happy. Lalala, I'm working and happy to be here. Yay!

I've got a sweet routine down at school now, I feel organised and have direction! One of my kids has been making leaps and bounds in her progress, and that has encouraged me with everyone else too! Surely if she can learn to read good, everyone else can learn to read good and do maths good too! Enthused!!

I've been feeling good about the friendships I'm forming too. I'm not as KEEN BEAN as I was at the beginning because I feel that I know these people now, and they know me. We might not have DEEP and MEANINGFUL friendships, but that's ok. We're on the way over time and I feel we've made a good start.

We're going to Perth for the school holidays in 2 weeks. I'm very excited to be seeing family and friends! YAY!!!!

Bad Feelings
There's an emotional issue I'm grappling with that'll be be friends locked because it's quite personal. But it coincides with our trip to Perth over the holidays. So while I'm eagerly excited for that, I'm also sad for this other thing.

I've just been down about that thing in the past couple of days. :(

Other Things
I've discovered that regular exercise is good for my knees. James and I have been sick over the past couple of weeks, so we haven't made it to the gym. TOTALLY COINCIDENTLY *cough*, my knees have been hurting more than usual. So we went back to the gym yesterday and are hoping to get more gym time in this weekend. Yay not-hurting knees!

friends, halls creek

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