Super Ninja Climbing Woman should have a theme song

Jun 18, 2009 19:35

I'm in such a good mood this evening. No particular reason. I think I'm feeling good because I'm not feeling bad. So it's kinda cyclical. I was almost bouncing off the walls by the time I got the Rockface. Ian's a great person to climb with because he can give me good tips on technique to work on. I made it up two 15 walls that half way up, I was like "no chalk, no handholds! eep!!" but Ian was like "do this and that, try that" so I tried it and it ended up working, even with my sweaty hands! I did a couple of new moves too, I was very pleased with my progress. I was like, super ninja climbing woman!!

Also, I got there and wasn't "oh, Josh isn't here *tears*" So I was pleased about that too!

Now my stomach muscles hurts, and my arms. I need to have a shower because I'm all sweaty (attractive!) and wash my hair in prep for tomorrow.

Little Creatures. 6pm till late. You live in Perth, you consider yourself my friend, you should come. *nods enthusiastically* But, you know, if you can't, that's cool too. Come late and leave early, I don't mind!

breakup: jd v.10, birthday, rock climbing

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