Sneezing on into the New Year

Jan 02, 2008 13:27

Well I held it off valiantly for over a week. Eden got sick with a nasty cold around Christmas and I had been pretty much ok. Well that all changed a couple days ago. I did pretty much nothing but lay in bed all day yesterday. ESPN had a World's Strongest Man marathon going so I just watched that in between mini-naps. I slept ok last night and was feeling almost human this morning so I figured I'd try to go to work. That was a good plan but it didn't work. I lasted about 2 hours before I went home. There's not really much for me to do there until tomorrow anyway. I'm just going to hang out and fish in ffxi and mostly do nothing today. Hopefully I'll be back in shape tomorrow.

All in all, 2007 was a decent year. Eden and I had a rough patch in the fall but we're doing really well now. Her mom moved in which seems to be going better then expected. It's frustrating losing out on the space occasionally but the extra money helps out a lot. Work is going well enough. I love the job and my coworkers and I love the fact I get to really help people. I just hope the company becomes more stable in the coming months so I can get a raise.

I made several new friends throughout the year which was nice. It's always good to have people around with similar interests or experiences. I even managed to reconnect with a couple of old real life friends that I hadn't talked to in years. I'm always pretty casual with my friendships so it was pretty easy to pick up where we left off.

2008 Goals:
Paladin to 75
Finish my Lu Shang
Finish my Homam and Askar sets
Work on merits

Real life -
Clear out my debt (car and CCs)
Get a meet together for Sakura-con in March
Trip to Vegas or Anaheim (Disneyland)
Visit my father in Tucson
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