mimic 01. Leave me a comment saying anything random, like your favorite lyric to your current favorite song. Or your favorite kind of sandwich. Something random. Whatever you like.
02. I respond by asking you five personal questions so I can get to know you better.
03. Update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
04. Include this explanation and offer to ask someone else in the post.
05. When others comment asking to be asked, you will ask them five questions.
my questions/answers from him:
01. If you could master one instrument, what would it be?
The bass guitar, hands down. I'd love to be a bass player in a rock band.
02. Have you ever had a paranormal experience/encounter?
A few when I was a kid. Hearing voices or noises from dead air, seeing shadows move along the wall that didn't belong to anyone, etc
03. Which male celebrity can you say "He's hot" to?
Maybe Colin Farrel? Not sure as I don't normally pay much attention
04. Which Final Fantasy character do you see yourself most as?
Locke. I'm a free spirit but I like taking care of and protecting those I care about. I'm more about stealth and avoidance then overt power as well.
05. What keeps you a fan of The Simpsons throughout the years?
Loyalty I suppose. The show had some down year between seasons 10-15 or so. Its actually gotten funnier lately. I don't watch as many of the new episodes though. Seasons 3-8 were my favorites. One thing I love about the show is there is a lot of humor from the ensemble characters rather then just the main 5. That and I appreciate the satire and self-deprecating humor.
lodis 1. What was your first time having sex like?
I don't remember it all that well. It was with my girlfriend at the time. We had fooled around a bit and hadn't planned on having sex, but things got heated so we went for it.
2. What made you pick DRG in FFXI?
I liked Kain back in the FFIV days and I was really interested in DRG when I read about it. It was pretty much my destination job from the day I started. Once I found out how versatile the job was, it built it up even more for me.
3. How is it that you stay in stick-figure shape?
I apparently have an insanely high metabolism. It hasn't always been an easy road (the skinny kids get picked on too) but if I had to choose I would take this side of the equation.
4. What's your favorite memory from college?
My roommate in the dorms, who happened to be named Joe, and I decided one night, at 2am or so, that we needed more fish. I'm pretty sure he was stoned and I'm usually up for an adventure, so off we went. Granted at 2am there aren't a number of places you can get a fish, so we went to walmart. It was a ghetto walmart too. lol So we go in there and we find something called a waterdog. Essentially, it was a big ass salamander. We're naturally transfixed and find a worker. Looking back, it was probably some stockboy or a dude out of auto parts or something. I doubt that they staff a fish expert at 2:30am. So we ask the guy "What does it eat?" "Um... flake food." "Does it get along with other fish?" "Sure." So we take it home and drop it into the tank. *SNAP* *SNAP* Before it even lands it's swallowed two of our goldfish. We were a bit surprised. My roommate looks at me, "Whoa I thought he said it ate flake food." "Well Joe, in a roundabout way, I guess it does." The remaining week turned into a sorta Goldfish Survivor. We watched to see how many we had left whenever we came back. There were two that survived long enough to outgrow him.
5. What's your least favorite movie of all time?
I'm not sure. I usually like even horrible movies. Hudson Hawk is one of my favorites. American Dreamz and Premonition are two that I would never ever recommend to anyone though.
sassafraskitteh 1)If you could visit any National park with unlimited resources, where would you go? only is it a glimpse into history, but you can't beat the location.
2)What would be your ideal occupation?
I'd guess an astronaut. When I was a kid I always wanted to be in the space program. (Runners up: Radio DJ/Sportscaster, Animal Park Trainer/Handler, Adult Film Star)
3)How do you want to be remembered when you're gone?
I'm not sure on that one. I guess I'd want to be remembered for my sense of humor, easygoing nature and my compassion for others.
4)If you could travel back in time and live in a historical period, which would you choose or would you stay in the present?
There are a lot of time periods that would be intriguing (wild west, WW1, 20s etc) but if I had to pick one I'd go back to the 60s. I was actually talking to someone about this recently. Back then there was so much experimentation, intellectualism and ideologies. There was such a drive to enjoy life while trying to make the world a better place. Today we just sit around our PCs or Xboxes and argue over pixels. With all that said though, I'm a slave to my technology and would probably stay right here.
5)If your wife (or GF) offered you unlimited "favors" if you'd shave all the hair off your whole body, would you really do it?
Probably not, I like the goatee too much. Besides, my legs are rather hairy and shaving them may take a while. I have a tough time consistently shaving my face as it is.