Sep 07, 2008 22:05

OH YEAH! \o/

I was there, and IT WAS AWESOME.

Never mind that I never once sat down from when I lined up for tickets at 7am, until I got on the MRT at 6. My calves and my ankles hurt like hell right now, but it was worth it, because OMG WE WON!

And... ok, the point of this post is actually to show off how amazing David is. Because when we got in the coliseum at around 12 noon, there were absolutely no more free seats in my section (Upper B), so we had to stand the whole time, and we were practically almost in the General Admission section. But David is so awesome I still have great pictures even though I was pretty much in the top part already OMG.

[Click to see just how effing huge these pictures actually are. Except, Photobucket resizes pictures. The originals were about... three times that OMG.]


Erm. I had infinitely better shots of all the other teams' pyramids and somersaults and whatnot, but this was the best I could do when I couldn't even see through the many heads in front of me.

Ugh I wish I had a better shot of the Oblation moment, but at that point everyone was like, "WOOOO!" so there.

Moments before the champion was announced. I love this shot. Shows how awesome David is, LOL.

The UP crowd behind me after we were announced as the winner. \o/

The UP Pep Squad. :)

Singing UP Naming Mahal

My pictures of the UP routine are actually pretty crappy, because everyone was standing and I actually just watched the whole thing from my camera's LCD while holding the camera high up in the air. Plus I realized they're grainy because of the high ISO, BUT. OMG, how awesome is it that I can get that much detail even when I was so high, I can hear heavennnn? XD And hey look, I even caught them in mid-air!

PS. LOL I love the Ateneo and all (really, I do!), but omg this is hilarious:

Um, a SCREAM sign, SRSLY??? They also have an ON YOUR FEET sign. Ok, this is obviously the first time I've been to one of these things, but. Hahahaha. That really is freaking funny. XD

ETA: LOL @ us (meaning UP people) cheering "GO USTE!" when they were announced as first runner up. XDDD That was kinda mean, but personally I actually was cheering for them because they're my next favorite team (after UP of course).

yay, \o/, rl, up naming mahal, ohmygod

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