Today is a good day.

Nov 18, 2008 22:19

After the bad start this morning, things turned around after my last class.

1. My laptop is back and (hopefully) in perfect health.

2. I finally got Cook's album! (Haha because yesterday I decided not to go to Makati anymore since I was gonna be late to work again)



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And by us I mean camote_queen  (my BFF), leechunsa  and miss_charmed .

And, um, the quality sucks, I know, and I think Angel has a better one but I still need to cut off the bit where Kim rambled about Cookleta ahaha, so you'll have to settle for this one in which you can barely even make out the dance. XD

Because we are losers and didn't have VIP tickets, we just settled on screaming like the crazy fangirls that we are. And. Um. We made a sign that says 'SEXY DANCE,' LMAO. We screamed at him to look at us while he was performing, but I dunno if he saw us. We probably just annoyed the people around us, bahahahaha. Whatevs. The audience sucked anyway. Where's the fangirl/boy love, people? I bet MJ loved us four screaming unabashedly for him. XD

And then while they were doing the meet and greet, the four of us stood at the barricade thing and took pictures of MJ hugging other people (JEALOUS OMG) while trying to make him notice our sign, LOL. And he did right after he hugged someone, and he did the dance, except OMFG we were too stunned to capture it! So our mission became to make him do the sexy dance again, and this time of course we had to catch it on film. So we waited for our chance, except he finished the meet-and-greet line and we had yet to make him to the dance again! But before he was whisked away he waved at all the poor souls like us who didn't get to hug him, and he did this little hugging action (which you will see in the video), and then we called him and pointed to our sign and YAY HE DID THE SEXY DANCE AGAIN FOR US! And I'm pretty sure only a few of the people there caught the joke, because most of them are probably just casual fans, or people with connections to the organizers.

As for his performances, um, I was in too much fangirly glee to actually remember all the titles, so. Ahaha. I shall have to check with my videos. Unfortunately I don't have all on video because I forgot to lower the video quality on my camera at first so I ran out of space after two songs. I had to delete one to make room for the next songs, boo. Hopefully miss_charmed  has them? :D

michael johns, sexy dance, flail, my fandom friends are awesome, fangirling

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