Oct 23, 2004 19:33
Hey friends, just here to tell you all that Nick is extremely sick. He's got the fear. So you probably won't see too much of him for a while.
These cat smily faces are pretty funny. They either smile or cry, regardless of whether or not the mood is bad. Poor cat, cries when thirsty so that it is even more dehydrated. Push on, brother.
Got stuck with a huge IV today, had three huge vials of blood drawn. I was living in quite a bit of luxury for those few hours at JFK. I still sometimes wake up so covered in sweat that it feels like my clothes and self have had buckets of cold water poured on them. Man, what a party this all is, fellow gangstars out there.
Try to keep it for real without Nick there (especially since Nick isn't going to be in school for a week). So like, peace out.