It's not finished.

Jun 17, 2008 09:19

Yay I changed the layout. It's S2(my previous layout is S1) and finally I've figured out how to change a theme in S2. It's easier than S1, really. Anyway, I never liked Supernatural so I'm going to change the header after my exams are over! Which is like in a week's time. I'll be creating my own header or grabbing off someone else's. I'm an extremely lazy person. Anyway, I'll be contributing to LJ communities in a week's time. I've been itching to create art! I want to make Kurosagi icons the most.

In fact, it's 6 more days to the end of the exam. I can finally blog here again then, this time with proper content.

And I finally have achieved enough posts to get the "Previous 20" button which is fab because I thought I'd never reach it. Okay. Cheers.

(I'm completely in love with Livejournal. Maybe I should move here. HMMM.)


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