stomias boa

Feb 26, 2010 07:05

Yesterday I went to Shidah's house and her 2 week old kitten thought I was a toilet bowl. Still, it was a fun trip and her kittens are so cute and helpless. They wriggle because they're too weak to use their legs full time but they're really cute and you can't help but coo over them even if, you know, one of them pee-ed on you.

And congrats to my friends from poly whose exams are over! Thus I'll benefit from more of your company. =) Seeing Shidah yesterday was great, I haven't seen her for ages(of course, my definition of ages).

I know I haven't had a public entry for a while; no reason, just that, I've got nothing much to say. I mean, my life is average. So I was looking at pictures of deep sea creatures and they are the most bizarre yet beautiful things.

What I think when I look at this picture : HOLY CRAP. They can make a horror movie out of this. You know, those D-Grade "horror" movies about some beast infecting and killing everyone, you know, those movies that Channel 5 just loves to buy and put up as fillers? Yeah. I think the colour of its scales are gorgeous though.

Another grumpy looking one. I do like anglerfish though. They're crafty enough to have personality.

A few cute ones;
I saw this once in nat geog and I thought it was the cutest little thing I've ever seen. 

It looks like a fairy light, but what freaks me out a little is those lips. I mean, look at them! *shudder*

I think this seasnail needs to come up with a better defense strategy. 

Anyway, I'm still trying my hardest to get kids to tutor so if you guys have got any heads up on that matter please let me know!

blogposts, picspam

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