Nov 25, 2014 11:47
Well. If you're surprised, you live in a different world than me.
If you're not angry, I really have nothing.
Cops shooting kids and anyone in general because they "feel threatened" isn't a whole lot different than lynching.
America, you make me sick. I'm even more pissed off that people keep going on about rioting and tone. Are you fucking kidding me? What would you do if it was your kid? Anger isn't some kind of failing when someone murders your child.
For fuck's sake, for real.
CNN: There are two sides of the story.
Um. No. There is systemized racism that leads to people of color jailed and/or murdered. Pretending or lying about that doesn't make it go away.
And most of the people who behave like this call themselves Christian. I wish I believed would be a reckoning.