Because I like to make my life really really effing hard, I just started a new book. As in writing it. Oh GREAT! I have no time for this junk. I mean, NONE. I'm in school 40 hours a week. I like pain, I guess.
It's utterly ridiculous and when I sell the movie rights I'll give
elizah_jane ten percent. I AM GENEROUS. Actually I'll import her back into my house to make sure I don't die from misadventure.
Inception 9 month anniversary party This lady is pretty boss. You might know her from her awesome fanfic. Which has so heavily influenced my version of Eames that I have a hard time writing him the way I used to. The language creep is pretty heavy. Oh well, fandom is for pastiche!
In other ridiculous news: what do we think about a Game of Thrones fandom that's divorced from the book canon? I'm contemplating how that's going to shake out. It seems almost impossible to keep the book creep out of the tv show fandom. So how the hell do you think we can manage it? My personal opinion is that the show watchers are just going to have wear kevlar and asbestos and accept some random spoilage along the way.