(no subject)

Oct 29, 2008 15:53

Why yes, I have been up since like three this morning, why do you ask?

The other day I was thinking about how I never talk about fandom anymore. That is to say, I never type up meta or go batshit insane about how people are idiots or any of what I would term my "usual" (ok, since TDS started making fun of McCain's quote fingers it's started a whole new round of me doing it in my head. I had a prof back in the stone age when I was your age who used to do it ALL THE TIME for no real reason, this is before the hipster trend to do it--when I think is related to everyone having degrees in communications and lit crit there for like a ten year period) mutterings. This has certainly cut down on my personal aggro with random nimrods busting up in my journal and laying down some supreme truthiness on me, but I feel like I'm missing out on what used to be a hobby of mine--being sanctimonious and bitchy. Where did my self-righteous assholery go? I think I lost it about the time I stopped clicking meta_fandom links. I HAD TO FOR EVERYONE'S SAKE.

Actually, what I think happened is that I fell into bandom where I hesitated to meta because every time I did kool-aid drinkers would rattle their chains in my comments and make me do things like scream my head off at poor, poor friends who didn't even like bandom (then, oh, how the mighty have fallen). Bandom is primarily non confrontational and people just like to enjoy themselves (or they're on journalfen where I never have to see them) so that makes one pause before writing a sixteen part essey titled How I Know Pete Wentz Is Totally Inauthentic And If You Disagree I Will Write a Sequel Entitled Patrick Stump Needs a Vocal Coach. I mean, why bother? I have a lot of opinions on, say, Cobra for example, but I don't need the aggro (btw, I'm totally right and if you disagree it kills five cats every time you think hateful thoughts about me).

Anywaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay, guess where I'm going with this?

So I've been thinking a lot about SPN fandom because, duh, I do put on a Con and all, and in particular how we get along in person much better than on the internet. I think that's because you're forced to confront the humanity of the person who posted that rant that made you breathe into a paper bag/kick over a lamp/c&p fled materials to a email hate loop. The fandom has gotten very...reactionary on a lot of fronts and people fly off the handle a lot and go a little, er, shall we say BATSHIT INSANE and that's easy to do when you can pretend the person pissing you off is not quite as human as you are. It's more difficult when you've had a drink with them and discussed their dog's funeral.

I have a lot of friends in fandom (and strangely in no related to fandom) whose opinions I find STUPID OMG!!11 RAGE RAGE but that doesn't prevent me from liking them for something else. When all the fights over the role of women in SPN were going down I honestly wanted to have a whole "can't we all just get along" moment wrt. I have my opinions on the topic, but they're only my opinions. That being said, I think Wincon proves over and over again that yeah, we don't all see things the same way, but when you take a second to look passed that you might find out that one opinion someone has really doesn't matter once you've had half a bottle of Bombay.

Oh, wait, that got away from me...

It's only natural that as fandoms grow, expand, and diversify they won't hold the cohesion of the early days. That doesn't mean they have to go up in rancorous flames of degenerate loathing (looking at you, Smallville fandom!).

Hahahaha omg, I'm doing that thing again, you know, exposing my true nature as a unicorn! Shit.

XO SPN fandom, I do love you when you're not pissing me off. I might be contemplating angel fic.
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