May 01, 2008 23:11
a duckling
4 oranges
1 oz butter
1/2 glass of dry white wine
Peel two of he oranges and seperate the segments, removing any pith. Pack them inside the bird, closing the entrance with thread or a small skewer. Melt the butter in an iron casserole and brown the duckling all over. Spoon away three-quarters of the fat which it exudes and pour over it the juice of two more oranges and the white wine. Add the rest of one of the oranges very finely chopped and plenty of freshly-milled pepper. Simmer for 45 minutes. Test the flesh with the points of a fork.If they penetrate easily the duckling is cooked. The juice is not very abundant, so add a little boiling water and bring to the boil once more, stirring well. This dish will just serve four people. [...]
Source: "COOKING WITH POMIANE" by Edouard de Pomiane from the 1930's