Oct 26, 2005 22:09

van awesoma: i'm fed up with america
van awesoma: it's time to leave
lil tire ramp: yeah for REAL
van awesoma: let's start a socialist revolution
van awesoma: our banner can be your precog face in some sort of vector drawing
van awesoma: on a background of blood red satin
lil tire ramp: that is really appealing
van awesoma: and we will sweep the nation with our visions of change and prosperity
van awesoma: only sober people will be allowed to stay
van awesoma: and jail won't happen
van awesoma: free healthcare and urban outfitters for all
van awesoma: and no lake apartments
lil tire ramp: yeah fuck those
van awesoma: and then we shall say unto the people, "GATHER UP WHAT YOU BELIEVE AND WHO YOU LOVE, WE ARE MARCHING TOWARDS A BRIGHT NEW DAY"
van awesoma: and fucking no goddamn police officers who call in sick for fucking court dates that they shouldn't even have caused in the first place
van awesoma: and no boones farm
van awesoma: and no freaking red tape in the legal system wrapped up around people who didn't do anything wrong but have to sit in jail for it anyways
lil tire ramp: that is a perfect world if ive ever heard one
van awesoma: i'm not even halfway joking i'm doing this
lil tire ramp: we need to document this
van awesoma: yes please
van awesoma: i'm going to save this conversation
van awesoma: you should spread the word of our impending new world order
lil tire ramp: i am too im going to post it somewhere important
lil tire ramp: im going to
van awesoma: the livejournal?
van awesoma: hahaha
lil tire ramp: exactly
van awesoma: beautious
van awesoma: and NO ATLANTA
van awesoma: AND NO CHARLOTTE
van awesoma: and lots of athenses
van awesoma: the end.
lil tire ramp: and more precogs of the like
van awesoma: yes please
van awesoma: precogs are the future
van awesoma: ha ha ha
lil tire ramp: we should be in a commercial about america's future
van awesoma: one of those creepy ones with beepings and lines
van awesoma: in a technicolor dreamcoat of colors
van awesoma: we disrupt your previously scheduled programming to say the following HEY Y'ALL SUCK JOIN OUR NEW WORLD ORDER love emily and leah/precog nation
van awesoma: there i am done
van awesoma: my life is complete
lil tire ramp: we have found our calling
lil tire ramp: our reason of being
van awesoma: we will write a manifesto
van awesoma: do you want anything else for our world?
lil tire ramp: potato salad.
van awesoma: a fucking men god damn it
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