Chapter 2: Seabrook

Jul 17, 2010 11:57

Chapter 2: Seabrook

The summer house was magnificent; it was a refurnished plantation house with blue shutters, and huge porch that wrapped around the whole house. Once the family was settled, Paula and Arthur were busy planning their arrival party. It was a major summer event, everyone was invited. Spencer was not looking forward to it... well, maybe the free alcohol wasn't so bad.

Spencer decided she'd take a tour of the grounds. She walked out into the porch, and as the shut the door, she inhaled the warm breeze that surrounded her. She walked out into the back and smiled to some the staff preparing for the event. There was one in particular, Spencer was fond with, he was standing on a ladder hanging lights on the patio.
"Hi Mark, how are you?" Mark Wilson was a part of the Carlin family for a few years now. Although he was a part of the staff, Spencer and Glen saw him as a friend, especially since her was about the same age as her. "Oh, I'm fine Miss Carlin."

"Mark, I told you not to call me that, it's just Spencer." Mark sighed. "I know, it's just I know your mom doesn't think it's right, and I personally think it's unfair to everyone else who works here, especially those who haven't worked as long as me. "Look Mark, you've been working here a long time and you're like a little brother to me and it's just strange for you to call me Miss. So, please, could you not say it. Mark was about to protest but Spencer stopped him. "As for my mother, if it makes you feel any better, you can say it when only when she's around." Mark smiled and nodded.

Spencer and Mark continued to talk about his other jobs when he's not working at the Carlin summer house. Mark had also mentioned something about an annual summer kick-off carnival, he suggested she go. Spencer was hesitant at first, but then she agreed.

Before they both knew it, it was already getting late. Spencer needed to get ready. She walked back into house, and jogged upstairs to her room. All she needed to do was get through the party. Tomorrow, she'd be free to have fun.
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