Nov 26, 2009 09:39
Odd that Thanksgiving is an American holiday, because it's such a British concept, a day devoted to giving thanks. Although I guess when we came up with it, we had until very recently been Brits.
In Texas, we say most three-syllable words with the verbal stress on the first syllable, as in "UM-brella," "LE-ander" and "IN-surance." The true is same with THANKS-giving, so the word "giving" almost disappears. I'm not sure if it's my native Pacific Western speech or the influence of my dad's Midwestern accent, but I tend to pronounce in-SUR-ance, um-BREL-la, Le-AND-er, Thanks-GIV-ing.
Saying in-SUR-ance puts the emphasis on the meaning of the root word, "insure," to keep safe against harm. Does saying "Thanks-GIV-ing" change the meaning, or emphasize a different connotation, of the word?