Mar 14, 2003 21:43
On this, the eve war. The world will lose a culture & a religion, LIVE on CNN & BBC News24*
The first stand has been against the two oppressors, Rush & Flair’s** war mongering administrations, were the peace marches earlier this year. Though not as intense or as socially shattering as the Vietnam peace marches in the 60’s and 70’s, with one goal in their hearts and minds, never before have so many walked in unison on the face of the earth.
To all who took a step towards a better future, my uttermost respect & admiration.
There are too many of us now. They will have to sit up and listen to us, the undertow of society’s discord. The sheep now have the crooks & the dogs are working for us. Little brother IS watching back. We are the future. We are the masses. The tides ARE changing. To all those that are just joining us. Welcome to the 21st century. Home of the brave, land of the free?
Join you huddled masses, you jilted generation…
We have to fight for peace, even our very humanity.
My new monthly magazine is available; ‘Life & Times of a protoplasmic entity’ and is available from your local newsagents, priced £2.99. First issue comes with a free electron microscope***.
* Well it was nice knowing you Christianity.
** Their names have been changed to protect the guilty.
*** Offer closes Wednesday 12th March 2003.