I had a dream last night..

Nov 25, 2004 06:13

Today I planned to go visit Aaron in MtPleasant and to have Tyler along with me. I figured the ride would be nice and we could talk and when we got to Aaron's, I figured I'd pop in Romeo and Juliet so we could cuddle.

Damn the snow! Damn it all to hell!! Because of the snow, it really wasn't a safe trek to head out to MtP. Instead we decided to hang out locally and that would just have to be good enough.

We started what could be considered a second date, though it was never officially declared as such, by going to Barnes and Noble. We each grabbed a book of interest and Ty made his way to a corner to sit. Seeing as my book had the word "Gay" in the title and that there was someone else near Tyler, I sat on the floor and read. Ty made his way back and I explained why I didn't go sit with him. He was looking through the occult/spirituality/mysticism section which is right next to the gay interest books. The only way that store could have been better is if they placed the roleplaying and manga sections there as well. We discussed the Sephiroth, numerology, and touched on other topics. There wasn't a decent tree of life to be found in those texts, so Ty suggested we find a net connection at SVSU.

At SVSU, we found a lecture room that was open, jacked in, and I showed him a decent one. We spent some time there and eventually decided security would be making rounds, so we decided to head out for dinner.

Bennigans had only a few patrons, so we felt a little more comfortable in our skins and we began talking a little more freely than we have been able to in public. When we were done with dinner, I suggested we go get coffee. We never got that far.

I kinda planned that we'd kiss tonight. Well, what a sloppy experience that was. I think we'll have to work on it a bit more. ^_^ Anyway.. kissing became making out pretty quickly.

We still made an attempt at coffee, but we didn't make it out there.. instead we drove for a bit, it was really nice. I'll gloss over the ride.. I'm sure you don't want to hear about it. As the bars were closing, we saw Josh, so we stopped and said hello.

Then we rode to WalMart so I could buy chapstick and batteries. We sat in the lot a bit and talked more, Ty shared things with me that were at the core of his soul, burning elements of his life I won't share with anyone, but I'm very glad he felt he could share with me.

Being very late at that point, we thought he should be getting back. On the ride back, I asked if it would be inapropriate for me to call him my boyfriend. He let me know that would be fine. After tonight, I have a feeling we'll be together for a good long time. I hope I never wake from this dream.

Thanks Ty. ~_^
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