Patches appeared to be delighted by their vessel. She strode around it, fingering things as if she had never seen them before, laughing uproariously at things that weren't funny, and most of all, skillfully laughing off questions about where she had come from and how she had ended up on the planet. The last were so numerous that she had little
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The lad actually had his hands full with suspicion of other crewmembers anyway. Iden downright creeped him out, he was still afraid of Ignatious no matter how polite they both could be to one another, and this Grendel fellow was friends with Ignatious, which in itself made Shin-sin-fa nervous. Adding this buxom maroon made things more difficult, but particularly because Shin-sin-fa knew she was a pirate.
She'd said she'd known his ilk, and what she'd meant was, I know my kind. He did too, and he didn't like her bouncing, almost crazy exuberance one bit. Women always confused him, and women pirates were particularly clever, vicious, and ( ... )
She turned and lifted an eyebrow at the kitty.
"You don't need to be sore," she said playfully. "I'm sure you're a right terror when a two hundred plus pound woman isn't leaping onto your head out of trees."
He scowled and turned his face away, though his eyes didn't leave her.
"Did you want your knives back?" she asked, gesturing at the bag she'd slung onto the bunk.
"You keep doing that, your face is gonna stay that way," she teased, carefully plucking each blade out and laying them all in a row on his berth. He waited until she had finished and moved away before beginning the laborious process of secreting them all within his garments again.
Shin-sin-fa moved as quickly as he could, and soon scuttled into the galley just in time to see her gaining the deck. He pattered up the steps after her, his hat pulled down low and his ears flattened.
She turned around, her face lighting up with surprise. "Oh, hello again. I say, you wanted something more than your knives? ...Oh I get it, you're following me 'cause you wanted to pay me." A broad grin split her rounded features ( ... )
"Where did you serve before the Etherium, Shin-sin-fa?" she asked conversationally without taking her eyes off of the phenomenon ( ... )
"That Jamie fellow is absolutely adorable. Wouldn't have minded bunking next to him. Those huge blue eyes, and those full, pouty lips. He's a very good-looking young man."
She wondered if he knew what she was building up to.
There was a solid thwuck as a knife slammed into the deck, sticking out of the wood in perilous proximity to PJ's crotch.
A slow smile spread over her features. "That's what I thought," she said softly. She knew the felinoid would hear, though she doubted anyone else's ears would be so sharp--it seemed most of them were down in the galley or roaming about the sand and woods nearby.
There was an exclamation of disbelief from nearby, and she looked up, her eyebrows raising. Someone was up here after all, though they looked too far away to have heard the exchange. They had certainly seen Shin-sin-fa's response, though.
If he'd been suspicious before, it had morphed into active dislike. Speaking of morphs, hers was floating just ahead of him. Laughing, and holding the shape of a toothbrush. He considered using it instead of a real toothbrush, but it seemed to know better than to get close to those it mocked, and it stayed just out of reach.
He turned back for one last look, and shook his head. There weren't any dirty windows on the Etherium anyway. He and Jamie had gone through this just a few days ago for getting in another fake fight. It had been the first one since stupid Iden had come aboard, whom Shin-sin-fa hated just on principle. Jamie liked him more, the Felinese thought, and it bothered him immensely. That fight had been wonderfully fun, and it was worth every window they'd scrubbed.
Throwing a knife that didn't even hit the wench didn't give him the same
"Are all of your crew so skilled? Looks to be more than one o' you that's been on the wrong end o' sharp things," she added. She actually hadn't noticed Tag's arm yet, nor seen even the tip of a scar.
She offered him the knife handle-first. "I don't think he'll take it back from me," she said cheerily.
He regarded her critically, with a gaze that was not so much looking at her as through her, right down to her bones. If she picked a fight with Anthony there was a pretty good chance of a dead Gloor. He set his hand to his chin, the gloves pristine and white. "Tell Me, Miss...Patches, what sort of vessel were you on before? Was it a large ship, or small?"
"And you?"
He looked about himself, then at the deck, and decided that it was actually clean enough to sit upon. Chores, at least, had been kept up during this miniature vacation. For some reason, Jamie and Iden both rather liked mopping. Fates only knew where they'd gotten off to now. "And it's Heut is mein Tag, miss. Four words. If you must call me by my first name, Heut is fine during conversation.
"How was it that you came upon this rock? It does not seem to be all that nice of a vacation spot, though do pardon me if it was your ideal place, I mean no offense."
He wondered a bit where her Morph had gotten off to. That...that little creature made him just a bit nervous.
"I have a hard time imagining a ship so dirty you couldn't see the deck--maybe I just take the cabin boys for granted. Was that The Etherium's cabin boy, what just 'dropped' his knife on the deck?" she asked idly.
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