Apr 09, 2004 03:40
lets see, my cousin and aunt slept over last night, I love em cuz theyre family but my aunt is really annoying. my cousin is 16 and she babies him constantly! its like 12 30 and she comes up to my room and asks him if he has is pajamas on. I really think the kid knows enough to put on pajamas when hes ready to go to sleep, we wound up going toi bed at like 5 30 am so i slept till about 12 30 pm. the usual stuff happened. we played video games till about 4 when we went to carmens for dinner I love that restaurant. I ordered the shrimp carmen which is really good and my mom ordered the same but she didnt finish it so i got the otehr half of hers, W00t! then I ordered 2! desserts. flan and a tartufo! Tartufos are escellent as always, I probably could have done without the flan :| I remember it being better. anyway, after dinner my aunt and cousin left to go home. then at around 10 ish ed n james are talking to me online asking me if I wanna hang out while they drink beer :\ I go of course, Its something to do. we park on some god forsaken block somewhere in the armpit of the world and ed has like 4 bveers! and HES DRIVING! so i pull a good ol star trek ultimatum. I tell him that as chief medical officer I have the authority to deem him unfit to command this vessel and if that happens the second in command takes control, and since james is ghay and hasnt driven since last summer, which to him isnt a long time. Yeah friggin right!, That leaves me as second in command. He actually drove OK. we went to shoprie at 12ish to get the one and only booklight in the whole store! its so awesome. YAY! it was like the quest for the holy grail tho trying to find usable AAA batteries. its like this at every house. either u need AA and Have AAA or u have AAA and need AA. I need AAA so of course I have about 20 AA :\
Anway, after that we went back to my house and checked out the basement computer after we got it back from being fixed (after we broke it) and my mom yells at us and tells us to get off! I was insulted :( Anyway, we talk for a few hours and at like 2 am I turn the TV on and come across the PPv channels (I ahve a hotbox) so me james and ed wound up watching the reality series "Can you be a pornstar" rated MA of course :D sorry leesh! It was pretty good since there was this one SUPER PHONY GIRL! OMG I hated her from the second she spoke. WELLLL she forgot her aids papers so she was booted from the mansion. but then se was replaced by this woman in a cherleaders suit. she looked hot with it on but then her solo shots came upa nd OMG she ahd the bone structure of a man! especially in the face. it turned out the shy girl with the glasses was actually the sexiest one there...This conversation is totally lost. there are only 2 guys on my friends list and ed was already there, so enjoy josh! le sigh!! ok its like 3 30 now and I ahve work at 10 so i suppose bed is a good choice right about now. bye ppl
AHHH! I FORGOT we watched the end of this movie with this guy dressed like a woman (DEAR GOD I HOPE IT WAS A MAN) but he/she was playing a real woman that thought she was the most beautiful person in the world but she was super fat and her face looked like someone smeared spackle all over it. she had a hige black mohawk and ehr eyebrows went all the way down the side of her head! she murdered like 5 people including her own daughter and shot randomly into a crowd when she was performing. then the police came and there was a riot and this cop shot a guy in the head with a shotgun! it was super crazy! if anyone knows the name of this please let me know...OK i just looked up some stuff and im pretty sure the movie was called Hey You! starring divine
ok gnight all