
Feb 26, 2004 02:21

Heres the dealy. I offered to be interviewed and these are my questions. If you want to be interviewed just comment here and ill make up 5 questions for you. when your done you post your interview in your journal with the same message and thus the cycle continues. my questions were:

1. If you were a rich man what would you do?
If I were rich, I mean super fantiastically filthy stinking rich. I would probably build an orphanage. I always had a dream that I could build a giant orhpanage, like the size of a whole city block, and every year, all the kids who were adopted would put their hand prints in the concrete sidewalk. I think that would be cool :)

2. What is your favorite movie and why?
anyone who knows me knows my 2 favorite movies. they are Nightmare before christmas and Edward Scissorhands. I love these movies because Tim Burton is da MAN! and I also like how sadly twisted they are. Both are stories about a character that are searching for a misisng part of their lives. Jack wants a new adventure while Ed had never known love

3. If you could be any other person for a day, who would it be and why?
I was never big on this question because there really isnt anyone I would much rather be. however, if fictional characters are allowed, I would probably be superman because I always wanted to fly. but im also torn, cuz if its only for 1 day, I dont think id wanna save ppl cuz then they would always expect me to show up and i cant. plus im fond of wings, so maybe i would be arch-angel frm x-men, cuz his wings are teh rox0r

4. Who's your role model (s).
This applies to the previous question. If i had role models chances are I would like to be that person as well, so Im afraid no one. I try to do things for myself and not think about how someone else would act in a situation

5. *twack!* When are you gonna pop the question to yer chick?!
When im good n ready! Personally I dont plan on geting marries until im like 27, a marriage is more likely to succeed if your mature about it and are willing to wait. so there...that was too easy, I expected more from you Jess; tisk tisk.
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