app for discedo

Mar 28, 2021 05:53

Name: Macey
LJ: macey
IM: for both AIM and MSN.
Characters played at Discedo: N/A

Character's Name: Jack Hyland
Series: Gunnerkrigg Court (here)
Timeline: Just before Chapter 27 (Spring Heeled, Part 1)
Canon Resource Link: Gunnerkrigg Wiki; TVTropes Character Page (he's the last one listed in Other Students).

Personality:  Above all Jack was just a fairly normal kid put in a very, very bad situation. It is probably the most important thing to note going over his character.

The one time we get to see Jack before said situation begins, he was sneaking out after hours with a group of kids from another class (among them Gunnerkrigg's main protagonist, Annie), to witness what the comments refer to as a "Science Experiment", he being the one who discovered it in the first place. An offhand mention of exploring the Court "all the time" would make him seem to be rather curious, and also more than a bit fearless- he states he turns off the motion detectors and goes on his way. He's visibly friendly, holding an umbrella for girls he's presumably only just met, but a bit of a trickster, as the reason he had the umbrella in the first place is because he knew it would rain- something he neglected to tell everyone else seemingly just for kicks. (Due to Gunnerkrigg's fashion of naming characters after folk songs or folk tales, this aspect may or may not be what named him). He's noted to have a very expressive set of eyebrows, and overall seems rather lively.

And of course that's when things go bad. A couple kids up top are pulled into a city created by Zimmy, one of the girls on the roof, and it's no ordinary city, being filled with faceless people among other things. Jack comes out looking rather frazzled and shocked, and the former doesn't change. As it turns out, Jack's brain has been inhabited by some sort of etheric spider from Zimmy's city, who has plans to get out into the real world. To do so it has to take him over- but that's not going completely straight. Though the spider has definitely influenced Jack, it hasn't completely taken him just yet, and a lot of his liveliness still persists through paranoia.

Speaking of paranoia, that's the main thing the spider does to Jack- make him excessively paranoid and even somewhat violent, over all else. Due to it's influence, he can't sleep; and due to paranoia, he's convinced the Court tracks people through their food and refuses to eat (hilariously enough, it turns out he's right). Along with his health he's neglected his appearance, reducing his formerly quite neat hair to a huge mess and left his fingers covered in bandages. Of course, Jack's new possessed personality renders all that moot; what he's focused on is what happened at the power station, finding Zimmy (who he seems to have grown some sort of crush or obsession with), and not much else. His determination to figure this out clouds his judgement about most everything else.

Jack's fearlessness has gone up tenfold; he's been skipping class, running from the Court's guards and in a rather intrusive incident hacked into the Court's servers to look up information on Zimmy, only to read up on everyone else. He doesn't seem to care about anyone else's opinion on what he does, either, casually telling all this to Annie, even throwing in the things he's learned about her and Reynardine- rather serious things. He'll switch moods from cheerful to angry in seconds, and isn't beyond violence. Though originally showing a fondness for the Court's robots via the Sutton's laser cows, by the time Chapter 27 begins he's lost any of that, smashing the head of a guard bot in and responding to reactions with "It's just a dumb robot". Despite all that there are times when it seems Jack doesn't seem to realize what he's doing is wrong- he thinks he's truly getting somewhere and even if he knows he's going to get in trouble, something never fully apparent, he doesn't care one bit. Though he is aware he's unhealthy, he doesn't care about that either, insisting he doesn't need help from anyone- not in a way as to not make others worried, but in a way that almost seems to be completely influenced by the spider, making him think he'll either be fine or can't be saved. (He can)

Though his judgement and thinking have been severely crippled, Jack's grown extremely stubborn and driven, and quite possibly even smarter with the sciences than he was before. If he does grow to care about anything except Zimmy and the power station, he may be a force to be reckoned with- though one easily defeated when his weaknesses are brought to light.

He presumably has an accent like most all the students at the Court, as it is in England; what country he's from if he's not a native is unknown, but his uses of "Aye" amongst other things would imply being of British descent. Due to the spider's etheric webs, he has a habit of scratching at his face, and quite possibly also scratching or biting his fingers, as evidenced by their bandaging.
Powers & Abilities:  If being one of the few people who was sent to and remembered being in Zimmy's dreamscape city (so to speak) is any indication, Jack has some sort of etheric ability or sensitivity; as in, he's tuned to what the Court itself would call "magic", or anything it can't explain with science. Any more potent powers he may have relating to this are unknown- other characters with the same abilities are shown to have more obvious skills, such as Annie (ability to talk to spirits, possible psychokinesis) and Parley (teleportation), and the non-possessed Jack has shown none of these. Whether his abilities are simply mild, stronger than they look, or even previously nonexistent and brought on by the Whitelegs is unknown.

Even if Jack didn't have etheric ability before, the Whitelegs gave him it. When Annie uses her Blinker Stone- an object with magical properties that seems to allows the user to have an etheric self and observe others the same way- Jack can see her doing it, something only beings extremely accustomed to the etheric have been shown to do. (She can see the Whitelegs on this head) Near the end of Chapter 27 Jack shows the highest amount of ability that we've seen from him in the form of flight, floating up to a window about 15-25 feet above ground and jumping outside. He seems to have been aware he could do this, telling Annie just beforehand he could "carry (her)" across the river. However, the abilities he's gotten aren't all that great- with the spider in him he can't sleep and he's too paranoid to eat, but its influence keeps him moving. The moment he's cured, he'll be out like a light.

But despite all this Jack almost seems to be better with the sciences the Court was founded upon. Within pages of his introduction he shows a fondness for technology, saying he gets around the Court after hours by fiddling with the motion detectors. Later on, at the Residential at Young's Park, he fixes one of the resident Laser Cows (who happen to be robots- they're "like normal cows. But with lasers") and then programs many of them into making a laser barricade around the Sutton's house. In Chapter 27 he states he was able to get into the Court's computer system and read up on many of it's residents, but was unable to hack into it and read on the students from the Chester and Foley Houses. (He'd presumably be able to lock his posts up to about 50-70%, possibly even higher if he hones his skills while in Discedo)

In terms of the Court's housing system, he's placed in Queslett House; though all the kids in Queslett appear to be normal, they all seem to have some sort of noted talent, whether etheric or scientific (among the kids we have a girl who can talk to animals and then another who can build a hovercraft in a short amount of time). Whether or not he was placed there due to any etheric ability or from his ability with computers is unknown. 
What items will they be bringing with them?  Nothing but the clothes on his back; he doesn't have any objects in particular he's associated with other than computers, and I doubt it'd be good to lug one around.
Third-Person Sample: 
Nights are long. He never realized that before, but now that he’s always awake and always about he’s amazed at how long the sun stays down. Whenever he’d stay up before nights would go fast, really fast, but when you can’t sleep for your life you understand that they’re just as long as a day, sometimes longer.

And that’s good, for him- no more getting tired and no more worries about being caught, because he doesn’t think the Court has planes and no normal person can fly, even if he would rather stay on the ground. That’s what makes things so easy now, because he can just jump out the windows and run across the pavement out to the other buildings, and now he’s got all the time in the world to look at each and every one and see what he can find. There’s got to be something in one of these, in a locked drawer in a locked room without a key but he know he can get in, something about the power station and something about her. They can’t hide it from everyone and they especially can’t hide it from him.

It’s cold out tonight but he doesn’t care about the cold; tonight the power station’s black and empty and he doesn’t care about that, either. What he does care about is getting there, and he’s not sure whether or not the boards he’s got connecting from the building by the lake to the wall blocking it will stay. So he takes a step, another, and-

-and it creaks. He’ll have to add ropes, tie it down to some boxes- yes, that’ll work. Anything to get over there. He doesn’t like flying for absolutely everything so he won’t- but there’s nothing else he wouldn’t risk to get to that station. To get answers.

He’s going to get over there, one night. He swears it.

First-Person Sample: 
[ Hello, Discedo. When the video flickers on, you'll be greeted by a very messy kid with a rather huge grin on his face. Perhaps you've seen him trotting around? In any case, despite his wrecked appearance, he'll start jabbering on. ]

Hey! [ He'll pause for a second to scratch around his neck. ] ...So, um, have any of you guys seen any sort of computer system around here? Maybe connected to these communicator things we have? 'Cos I could probably get into that, and see if there's any files that could explain why we're here. They'd probably be really well protected, though, so no guarantees, hahaha.

[ And then he'll shift a little and look around, before realizing his communicator is obviously right in front of him. He'll pick it up and give you guys a nice view over his shoulder. ] Oh yeah, has anybody been able to lock their posts more than 65% or so? It wasn't that hard for me, but it'd be cool to know if it can go any higher. Not that I need help or anything. [ There's a little sound of him scratching again. His cheek this time. ]

Links:  One, very small Two.


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