A thief in the night

Apr 06, 2009 23:52

I came back from vacation to find that I was locked out of my live journal.  Saw the message about thieves but I have never had a hotmail account until very recently so that didn't register.   I just thought the sun had fried my brain or relaxed me until said brain was mush and had just forgotten the password and not updated my list.  I just changed my password only to find  friends, journal entries, userpic archives, everything gone. Strangely everything HP/SS, which I read most often is gone but I am getting invites from all things HP/DM that admittedly runs a very close second in the fav department.  The bare bones of my profile can still be found but that is it.  I'll be so busy trying to catch up from vacation and the usual summer busy-ness that I don't know when I will try to get everything back in order. 