The First Real Post of the Year~!

Jan 12, 2009 15:54

I totally had like this post planned days weeks ago, with a picture of my beautiful Christmas that I got scratched up hands putting it together (plastic Christmas tree FTW, I hate the smell of pine).

My New Years was fun, I had fun with my cousin (okay, he's not really my cousin in blood, but in spirit) and watching my mother get drunk. It was blast, and we had a feast on top of that: Chicken, Deviled Eggs (which I didn't know we had before I snuck off with the last one), Black Eyed Peas, Ribs... just a traditional Southern dinner. My mother wouldn't allow me to drink even though I've been legal for like four years now. LOL.

Christmas was a blast as well. Here's what I got:

- From mother: PSP, FF7: Crisis Core
- From sister: a couple volumes of Style School Magazine
- From aunt: a new Canon flatbed scanner~♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ >ワ- From grandma: 110 bucks (which was promptly used for rent, lol)
- From friends: 25 bucks gift cards to Borders,  20 bucks gift certificate to Asahiya, a small perfume of Harajuku Girls "G" perfume (it smell unbelievably good), a "I ♥ Yaoi" shirt (I was like "oh noes D:" when I got it but at the same time I lol'd), a .3 mm pencil and some Godiva chocolates (yum, I missed them so much, so expensive but so delicious).

And I had a great time during the holidays. Ay....

And I made some New Year's Resolutions (which I already broke already):

1. Lose weight (This is the hardest because I'm channeling Alfred and eating a cheeseburger like once a week now, up from a cheeseburger a month. Not good, not good. But I'm cutting back on eating.)
2. Draw everyday (OTL).
3. Get a stable job (;_; Thank you, US economy...)
4. Go back to school (I was planning to go back to continuing education school like this semester, but I just don't have the money.)
5. Read MOAR books. (I have to finish that anthology of Japanese female authors and it was really good.
6. Sell shit. My room is getting crowded with books... again. Fuck.... (All I have to do is put it up, took pictures and everything.)
7. Be more active with life. I'm already in my mid-twenties.
8. Work on my procrastination. It gotten worse, like seriously bad. (The reason this post is late).

Also welcome my new friends on my f-list from the Hetalia fandom! I hope I don't bore you to death~!

So on let's get on with matters!

Dear Student Loan people,

Please stop trying to fuck up my credit. I'm thisclose (like 3 points close) to a good credit score standing and this bullshit that you shitty system pulled almost gave me a heart attack at the tender age of 25. I am extremely paranoid about credit and that is the reason I don't use credit cards often other than huge purchases that I already had the money to pay it off. Seriously, seeing my account marked deliquent as the first thing I see this morning wasn't I wanted to see. And Mr. Customer Service Man, you BETTER be right because if I see my credit score drop more than a point, you will have me breathing down your back on that very same day.

It already sucks that I have less money than I thought now, dammit. And I have to pay the 5 bucks late fee anyway.

Love and Kisses, That Tsuki Girl

Yes, this is what happened to be earlier today. Today was the last day to pay my monthly student loan and guess what I saw! My account had been marked deliquent. Now, I'm a person who pay her dues on time so I was like "OMG WTF?" since I actually got a confirmation e-mail that the money went through. So things SHOULD be okay now... although it meant that I was 200 bucks shorter. Ugh, and I wanted to buy some doujinshi.... now I have to go with a friend to a Tyra Banks Show taping then her birthday All-Girls outing the next day, I'm gonna be so flat broke it's not funny. So I actually got off my ass and starting to assemble a sale so I buy doujins and books without sobbing by poor little heart out looking at my banking account.

On that subject of doujinshi, I 've been clamoring over trying to buy anything Hetalia related. I've found a couple places but no money has I. But why like 80% of doujinshi I see is America/England. Not that I'm not a fan of the pairing, far from that, but it's bad when you make me do the ಠ_ಠ face, Japan. There was a fair amount of England/Japan and Spain/Romano, a bit of Germany/Italy (WTF with this fandom's doujinka not overflowing with doujinshi of these two and they're pretty damn close to canon if not so), Sweden/Finland, America/Japan, France/England and Greece/Japan. I'm only wishing that it's a small drop of Hetalia doujins that came out of FuyuComi, but it would just crush my soul if there's no Russia/China doujin out there, just crush it. ;_;

So I hoping and praying that this sale would at least give me 80 bucks... just 80 bucks because I need my hit. D:

Also, funnily enough when I was sorting through my single doujinshi pile, the majority of doujinshi is 8018/1880 Reborn doujinshi. LOL. Although if we're going count my nearly 30 volumes of Reborn doujin anthologies, 5927 is king of my collection, with 6927 a close second.

Yes I have 27 volumes of Reborn doujin anthologies. I just hope I'm in this series for the long run.

Now, all I can ask for Japan to be in a Hetalia doujin fever.... but I doubt it since it's pretty controversial over there, but STILL, man.

Well, gotta go. Tonight's Superstars of Dance night and I'm watching with my grandmother. The show is entertaining although not as good as So You Think You Can Dance. Meh.

life events, doujin discussion, life issues

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