Jun 28, 2008 15:29

I caved in and brought this. I always said I wanted a cute Tokidoki bag and this little one wasn't exactly what I wanted at first (IIRC, this was the Spring or Summer 2006 one) because I assumed there would be a better designed one in the future (which where it wasn't any better design until tokidoki LeSportsac bags closed shop this year. So I brought it (not without checking other ones to see if it's legit) and I can't wait.

Plus I brought a ticket to see Equus too....

Ugh, that's like 300 smackers there. ;_; After buying a couple of doujinshi, I will be on a strich money diet. Meaning, I'll have to cook and make my own food, absolutely NO hanging out with friends at expensive places UNTIL I find a stable desk job at $10 an hour with benefits (I know, I used to make more without benefits but I REALLY need the money now). This is a surefire motivation to set up my dojinshi sale because all of that money would be my spare change to spend on fun. -_- I guess a new scanner is out of the question until August or something. If I'm lucky, I could save like $700 of the orignial $3600... and I was planing only spending half of it on necessities and fun.

NYC summers are so hellish only because of the godforsaken humidity! I was sweating like a pig when I was setting up and taking out the trash at like 5 in the FUCKING MORNING. I was literally sleeping in a pool of my sweat. I miss free A/C, guys! I already miss that cool period the city enjoyed for the last two weeks.

Also, I'm really stroked about the new season of So You Think You Can Dance, it's really good this season to the point there's no way to determine who will win, seriously. I've been addicted to this song from here.

image Click to view

So much, I been listening to for like the last 3 days after I finally brought it. Actually, I'm listening to right now. I didn't agree on on the costume part, actually I liked the de-constructed 16th-17th century English fashion look of it.  I'm sad Chelsea got eliminated on Thursday. ;_; I thought it was unfair, but you know how these things go.

Ah, it's starting to cool down right now, prolly because it's about to pour right now. That was quick. LOL.

I'm only happy about summer because it means art contests which I will apply for. I would love to go to a con, but no money. ;_; Also, the new Reborn anthologies ARE CALLING ME. SERIOUSLY JAPAN, NICE FUCKING TIMING, NICE FUCKING TIMING. *sob*

And the heat came back. Stupid fickle summer weather....

life issues, tv stuff

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