I Hate My Laptop....

May 31, 2008 13:00

My computer getting the Blue Screen of Death COULDN'T come at a worse time, I fucking swear. I'm typing from the comp's safe mode. Dear God, I'm GLAD I got a 3 year warranty on this thing (although I think it's limited, not sure, but it's better than nothing...). But with the doujin scanlations, the fanfics I  was working on and that fanart I promised for the Reborn e-magazine and misc. stuff that HAS to get done by June looks like it would be an impossibility at this point until I fix this thing.... Luckily, like 90% of my stuff in my hard drive is on my external. Now all I have to back up is my recent buys from iTunes and a couple of pages from the 5927 I was working on. Luckily my paranoia to back up my stuff from three weeks back was justified. The only stuff left that's not backed up are easily recoverable.

*sigh* I'm hoping that I would get my computer back in proper working order AT MOST around June 13 so I can CG that fanart by that time. Hopefully, I can still use my laptop's safe mode until then.

computer issues, doujin scanlation info, life issues

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