Sponsorship and shit...

Feb 10, 2010 05:50

I think I'm going to cancel this sponsorship after the Olympics. The layout looks pretty terribad and it's not like I'm using the extra stuff so....

I'm trying to raise money again. I never realized how fucking crazy collecting doujinshi is
Okay, I've been collecting doujins actively since 2007 when I brought a shit ton of D.Gray-man doujins. Funnily, the following year, I got into Reborn. Cool because I spent like $300-400 on doujins a year on this bad boy of a series.

Then Hetalia came along.

Seriously, you don't start appreciating anthologies from publishing houses until you active follow a series that you just know that no publishing house want to touch due to its controversial nature of the series.

So yeah, things can get fucking hectic REAL quick.

Suddenly all these circles want to release a lot of good shit before Summer Comiket. (ノಥ益ಥ)ノ彡┻━┻
Kaikoku Zenya's releasing another Outcast doujin and I never got that whopper of an America/Japan doujin of hers either so I have to get that too. Plus I might as well get the JKS/TEC America/Japan doujin I never got around buying before it totally sells out. And of course that America/Japan and England/Japan anthology. And I think that's it until NEXT MONTH where there's that Japan/America double anthologies I would across oceans for.

You don't want to know how much cutting I did to my doujinshi collection... and I really need to stop buying doujin so indiscriminately like that.

I'm sorta glad that I fell out of love with the 1827 pairing. Not that I wouldn't read HibaTsuna stuff once in a while, but I have a hard time really jiving with it although with Mukuro in the mix, it's a totally different story. Although I admit, I more 'tolerated' the pairing than actively liking it. And I kinda seeing the same with America/England too. Love the Outcasts 3P, but I ship America/Japan and England/Japan FARRRRRR more than America/England.

But anyway. Yeah.

So IRL has been trying a bit lately. I've been upset a couple times yesterday and the day before at work.

I dunno, I'm going in like around 1 PM or earlier and leave before the storm gets really bad.

I want to stop by Kinokuniya too so I can special order some Reborn doujinshi (I can finally buy that anthology, kurot !) and fuck me, I still miss Asahiya like burning. Why did it go away? Stupid economy! (ノ≖益≖)ノ彡┻━┻

At least I'll have my Winter Comiket books soon. That Pepushi Hetalia book is supposed to be a whopper and I'm fully prepared for her brand of mindfuck.

Then I'm going to try a different middleman service. God I miss The Little Nook so much.

Okay, I'm going to bed now then wake up and go to work.

And kiku , you totally need to introduce me to some England/Japan circles because I had to annihilate my England/Japan doujin collection.

Okay, I'm falling asleep here. Night!

doujin discussion, life issues

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