Shopping is forever a work in progress

Mar 26, 2005 18:21

I went out of town to do some shoppong yesterday, and had a bit of fun. I went to Cookstown Outlet Mall, which is so HUGE. I meant to go last Christmas, but I never got around to it, and since my mother had a day off, she and I both decided to go. I bought 6 books which I'm quite pleased with, and Mom bought me some chocolate for an Easter gift - although I didn't want anything, how can I say no to chocolate? So I chose some chocolate bars from the Cadbury Store...they have some stuff there I've never seen before. Yum.

Being the Harry Potter fangirl I am, I was quite surprised to find Harry Potter Lego sets, as I had no idea they existed. They were in a store that specifically sells Legos, and I was SO tempted to buy a set of the Knight Bus just for fun, since that's one of my favorite objects in the HP series, but I passed. I really doubt I have the room for it. If you haven't seen the sets, check out THIS link.

Happy Easter to all of you who celebrate it. :)
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