It's MYSPACE time

May 02, 2005 21:29

Hey there everyone,
So I caved and created a MYSPACE account today. I'm still figuring it out, but it's pretty rad I must say. It's amazing how sometimes the hours just drop away trying to get it the way you want it. Anyway, today was cool. I chilled with Lauren for a bit after work and tomorrow she turns 21. YAY for 21! I got a movie in the mail today called Perfect Harmoney, and I watched it today. It's such a great movie and I hadn't seen it since I was young kid. My mom and sister were going through this huge box of old-ass pictures from when we were all way little and low and fucking behold, what is in my bedroom on the wall right over my bed...A HUGE EFFING RAINBOW POSTER! And they claim to not see THAT coming...pffft. Anyway, I was very amused for the moment. Way too many naked shots of us running around on the beach for my taste, but hey, parents are allowed to do that kind of stuff. I'm getting my eyebrows done tomrrow and I can't wait. They are so out of control. I'm totally stoked for meeting this Brent guy. He sounds awesome, and i would totally dig some kind of relationship right not. I broke up with Russell like a year and a ago and nothing i've done since then has stuck around for any significant amount of time unfortunitly. I won't get my hopes up, but it would be such a blessing to have someone again. Get my mind off other things/people.
Anyway, I'm hella tired and am going to call it a night. L'CHIEM to all and peace out.

Signed, David John Petersik-Noel

Quote of the day:
"Moses supposses his toesses are roses, but Moses supposses erroneously. But moses he knowses his toesses aren't roses, as Moses supposses his toesses to be."~Singin' In The Rain (Gene Kelly...OMG SO HOT!)
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