Apr 07, 2005 09:05
The last couple days have been pretty cool. I heard back from Alaska Airlines the other day (for those of you I didn't tell in person, I interviewed with them last week) and they said they'd like to have me interview again in June, so I guess that's a step in the right direction. I thought it would pretty cool anyway. I've had the great privilege the last two nights of hanging out with Brenda (and John D.B-pal of her's from GU). We managed to eat more then anyone should (Burrito Loco and lots of DICKS), took the appropriate drives to our favorite haunts (my future house, the parks, the water front..the good stuff), and managed to make her pal (straight male) feel REALLY uncomfortable. Hey, that's just how she and I rock it. If you don't like, tough babe! I got to talk to miss Lacey Hill yesterday on the phone and I totally can't wait to see her and her family at DAMN YANKEES in a week.
So yeah, the Pope is dead and the whole Catholic world in up in arms and over-crowding Vatican City... Oh and ALL the Catholic schools score a day off on Friday. Funny that. Anyhoo, I finally have a day off and am going to be a domestic for the first part of the day and then make a pilgrimage to see Mistress #1 (miss Lisa Dellino) at SU later on today. I think I might have to go shopping today as well. I'm dying to get one of the Flash Drives for my computers.
Kitty Update: At the moment Fina, the spoiled bitch, is sound asleep on my freshly laundered clothes. Yes, this is her favorite place to be and attempting th move her would indeed end up in bloodshed. Anyway, I'm off for today. Kisses and hugs to all. :)
Signed, David John Petersik-Noel
Quote of the day. I thought this was funny.
"I shall never see a poem so lovely as a hot-gushing, butt-cramping, gut-hosing orgasm. as soon as you find something better than sex, you call me. have me paged."~Sir Funny Guy