Is technology always a good thing?

Aug 23, 2008 10:07

So I recently stumbled upon this article, which posits that shoes in general are wrecking our feet. The article claims that wearing shoes causes us to walk in an unhealthy way, wherein we essentially stomp onto the ground. I believe that this claim may have some merit. When wearing running shoes, we essentially smack into the ground heel first and roll through off the toes. Try that in bare feet and it HURTS! Apparently, the more padding built into a shoe, the harder we hit the ground, which may have to do with the fact that we need to feel the ground in order to feel balanced. In essence, what we're doing is subconsciously attempting to neutralize the effect of all the cushioning built into our shoes.

I think perhaps I'll test this article out and skip out on my flip-flops for a little while. As is, I wear shoes as little as possible, so this won't be a huge stretch. Maybe there's something to be said for evolution after all...

barefoot, technology

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