Fic: Silhouette

Oct 19, 2008 13:24

Title:Silhouette Author:EtherealFlaim Genre:Pre-slash, wannabe-drabble Rating:PG Fandom:Terminator - The Sarah Connor Chronicles Characters:Charley, Derek Summary:Charley still has no idea how to sneak up on Derek. Author's Notes:This is in the "Something Like Loss" universe. For my scc_slash 100-fic Challenge #37 Sound. This started out as a drabble, but when I finally cut it down to 100 words, I decided that it had lost too much emotion and substance. Oops! Maybe next time.
Derek had learned how to read people like an open book since the world came crashing down around his ears and the machines made his life a living nightmare. It was far and away the easiest way to figure out what people were thinking or planning; nobody really put much stock in the truth after that. It was because of that hard-acquired skill that Derek was unsurprised to see Charley's unmistakable silhouette standing motionless in the door to his bedroom. It was why when, a good ten minutes later, Charley slowly, cautiously inched closer to his bedside, he didn't move or make any indication that he saw the other man. It was also why, when a very shirtles and very nervous Charley curled up against him under the comforter, he slowly wrapped his arm around the EMT's muscular chest.

"We're really going to have to work on your sneaking skills, Charley." Comments, criticism, and all manner of baked goods are greatly appreciated =)

slash:tscc, slash:charley/derek, fic:drabble, fic

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