
Jan 13, 2009 18:07

You know the way, you can be in a typical situation with friends and acquaintances, and then various things come together in your subconscious, and you realise that your normal day is in fact a day Fraught with Significance for others. And it comes home to you, again, that you really are only a bit part in somebody else's movie-of-their-life.

Or you're out with the dog, and a couple jog past, holding hands and all smiles, and you're not even a bit part for them, you're background material in their love montage.

And then you hear from an old friend, and you catch up on news and babies ("Potato headed, we call him") and you're not really down about anything because you are the star in your own movie, and have a hefty supporting role in various other movies, and you're not really thinking about that anymore, caught up in your own drama or comedy or love story or tragedy or the whole mix of those that makes up your life.
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