Sep 28, 2004 09:50
Have you every had one of thoes days where it starts off really bad, but then it turns out to be one of the bests. I had that day yesterday (I would of updated last night but some one was on my computer).
MORNING: It started out like a typical Monday morning *sigh* I had to get up at 9:00am to attend my first call (nothing significant). Then I came back to my dorm and .....(well I don't remeber what I was doing *shurgs whatever) But then I went to Chem. *yawn* we got are firt test scores back! *yikes* I recived at 22.5/50 but the average was 29/50. So I wasn't the only one who did crappy. Then after that I came back to my dorm and got some lunch with my roomate. Then I went to Chem. Lab *sob* it was so hard! I was there the whole time, and I still don't understand were we got most of are answers *sigh* *shurgs* Oh well!
AFTERNOON: I was so anxious to get out of Chem. Lab cause me Angela, Michile, Stephine, Shane and Nickola were going sailling! *exited*. So I got back just in time. We all piled into the car and drove out to lake St. Clair (I'm always stuck in the back in the middle). Well get to a beautiful marina and park infront of this 36ft sail boat *dies*. Basiclly we went out on the boat (no wind *tear*) and we just sat and bs'ed on the front part of the boad untill the sun set. *melting from happness*
NIGHT: After that we all went out to dinner at some tavern (all 8 of us) and I had a really good pita thing. But at the end of the meal we all start talking about how much each of us have to pay. All of a sudden Stephine's dad pull out his credit card and pays for us all *shock* and *feels bad*. So we all drove back like dead to the world. But when we got out of the car...we were all acting like we were drunk...being really loud and upnoxious. So we finally got back in, and then two more people came up (Bryan and Donnie) and they were in are room untill 1am *sleepy and exusted*. We watched Family Guy and then Futurama...but not really we were to busie talking about Video Games and movies. I know it doesn't sound all to exciting...but I guess you had to be there. And I wish some of you were! Well I think that is last a while. *giggle*