the haps (my life is so exciting lately)

Dec 19, 2007 21:14

I'm kinda bored. I could be either doing dishes or wrapping a Christmas gift (the last one), but I don't feel like getting up.
So here are a few random observations for the day, which may or may not be new and/or interesting.
1) Add banana peels to Willow's "favorite foods" list. Well, she won't EAT them, but she'll sit and lick one until I take it away. I should take a picture sometime, maybe it would be lolcats worthy, haha. "Wut u mean I is not monkee?"
2) Lindsay Lohan used to be real pretty, and a decent actress--I feel bad for her. (Just watched Mean Girls tonight.) Britney Spears used to be all right, too, in her dancing music video days (like actual dancing, and like, high kicks and stuff, not just writhing around in skimpy clothing). It's sad to me when celebs just crash like that--I mean, maybe we'll never know quite how much they are actually going nuts, and how much is just media craziness, but they definitely have issues. Not that they were ever, like, ground-breaking talents, but still. It's sad that that happens, and even sadder that everyone in America has to know about it. One of the local public radio hosts this morning was talking about celeb news, and how one reporter actually interrupted a 9/11 piece (on the anniversary) with the news that J-Lo and Ben Affleck weren't getting married, and ACTually said, "Obviously, this would be the cover story any other day." !!!!
3) We are all full of corn! Haha, well that's not MY observation... heard some speech on the radio by the author of The Omnivore's Dilemma, forget his name though. The speech was about "cornification" and how it's so completely everywhere in our food industry. They feed it to cows, and they gotta give the cows antibiotics and stuff 'cause cows can't really eat corn naturally. Did you know that you can find corn's carbon signature in our own DNA? We literally are, in part, MADE OF CORN. Crazy.
4) I have two days of work left in 2007! Wooo.
5) I really AM a Blue Man Group addict. Kirk from the UK (whom I met in Toronto) randomly decided to come to Boston/NYC after Christmas, and I jumped on board for a minimeet in Boston on the 28th. Shayna lives in the area I think (maybe goes to college elsewhere though? not really sure), and Denee is coming out from CA. I haven't met either of them, but they seem cool. Should be a good time... and I miss the Charles. I haven't been since last New Year's, and I think it was two years before that (again, New Year's). Plus, Denee seems like a real firecracker, and I'm looking forward to her enthusiasm rubbing off on me. ;)
6) I should do my dishes and wrap that present.
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