
Mar 14, 2006 08:31

Apparently if it weren't for my boss, I woudln't have a job. He's pulled so many strings for me and helped me, it's crazy. He's practically the main reason why I want to stick around for that job, other than the work, which I really like. I just don't like how it's organized nor do I like the management above my boss. Now the reason why I am saying this is because I was late by an hour today because of a simple mistake.

I was supposed to be there at 11:00 to 7:30, not 12:00 to 8:30. I was told that I could have been sent home and that they didn't need me if I was going to be like that. But I was to stay for the shift and get bitched at by the higher-ups later in the morning with the head honcho (who's a real big dick and has this aura of unpleasantness that surounds him at all times). So my boss figgured that I wouldn't want to be sticking around for that. Hell I was real close on saying fuck it all and leave, but I managed to stay and actually do a good job this time around. I knew I was going to get in shit anyway, so I might want to do the best job I can, cause if I was going to have a meeting with the head honcho, I wasn't going to come back the next day.

So after getting my ailse perfect, or as perfect as I can manage (which the higher-ups will still find something to bitch about)my boss turns and says that it isn't such a big deal cause he really didn't expect me to stick around just to get bitched at. Not only that but I won't be seeing any management for my mistake since my explanation seemed valid enough to merrit just a verbal warning. So a good note to self: don't do that again! In turn really it cheered me up, but my boss has a knack for that. Anyway, enough of about work...

I'm heading to Wisconsin at the end of May, so I'm pretty excited about that. Going to go visit some familiar fuzzzybutts down there. I've allready known them for like two years. I might considder moving down there for possible schooling in teh 3D arts. I don't have much of a choice if I want quality courses in that field. But other than that, I mean there's nothing really new with me. *shrugs* Oh well... *munches a cookie*
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