May 25, 2007 22:21
My thoughts post PotC AWE. I cut for any lost souls reading this who don't want to be inadvertantly spoiled...
Well, the first thing to say is, I'm still a Sparrabeth shipper.
After the fog of sadness and mild anger has disappeared, I feel I might be able to look on the brightside a bit more, and get on with some serious subtext reading. But right now.... a feeling of... 'huh?' prevails.
I'm not going to waffle on, but I think my main feeling is that the magic and charm that CotBP was filled with has officially left the PotC films; I think it was barely present in AWE. It felt hollow and cold and my emotions were barely nudged toward the latter part of the film. I admit to cheering when Will got stabbed and obviously the scene where Jack rescues Elizabeth from the sinking Dutchman was real "OMG that's beautiful" time, but otherwise nothing.
I never felt DMC really lived up to CotBP, but as a sequel it was damn good. AWE.... The film the fans will try and forget, I think. Too much in too little time and a real, rushed sense to the whole thing. In the midst of a big budget and trying to find deep meanings and high-hill morals, I think the makers lost sight of what made these movies so good in the first place.
In the end... who am I kidding, I still love PotC. I still love Sparrabeth - I think the lack of attention in AWE just leaves room for better quality fanfics than the script itself. But, I confess, I won't be rushing out to buy this on DVD, and that is a real shame. If this had been the tone and atmosphere of the first film, I would never have been hooked as I was, and I think this is just another illustration of how far the trilogy has lost it's way.
*sigh* That's me done. Maybe I can be more positive and fangirly tomorrow when the aftermath has faded. Until then, cling on to your ship, fellow Sparrabethians, for we still have our internet connections and keyboards.
Ethereal_Mouse/ Missy Mouse