Virginia Tech

Apr 18, 2007 19:11

I don't understand how someone could even think about killing so many innocent people. I mean sure, he probably didn't think that they were innocent, but still. Even when I was really low I never thought, 'hey, let's take as many people down with me as I can.' That's just... I can't even comprehend the evilness that he must have had in his soul. To lock the doors and make a video. It's just another example of how disconnected and dark society has become.

And yet it is a sign of hope. For all the ways people have come together, all the tributes from across the country. It's very moving and I'm glad to see this reaction. It's like a counterreaction to the hatred, it is love. And it makes me proud to be a student. I'm just very glad that everyone I know at VT is alright and that it even inspired us to reach out to each other despite past events.

"I believe in the good. I believe that it's been a hell of a year and I believe that in the face of overwhelmning evidence to the contrary that we will be okay. I believe a lot of things.... I believe we survive. I believe that believing we survive is what makes us survive." - Grey's Anatomy

"Just as despair can come to one only from other human beings, hope, too, can be given to one only by other human beings." - Elie Weisel

"The great tragedy of life is not that men perish, but that they cease to love." - W. Somerset Maugham

"At the end of a day like this, when so many prayers are answered and so many aren't, we take our miracles where we find them. We reach across the gap and sometimes, against all odds, against all logic, we touch." - Grey's Anatomy
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