Jul 24, 2006 16:46
These Bookstore people really know how to abuse their student workers by making them take the weekend shifts. I have to work all weekend. Today was fun though. I spent an hour making kits (ie shoving things into clear bags and taping it shut. Another hour helping a pair of older women pick out a gift for their... niece? A whole hour, but it was fun to just walk around the store with them finding things and suggesting things. It ended with a PSU flash drive (and yes they exist because PSU is a crazy mofo) However, the day before that I was yelled at because the store sells Dell Printers but not Dell Printer Cartridges. Yes, because I, seasonal worker, choose exactly what goes on the shelves.
Other than that, I added another color to my embroidery. I have called the bank to get my tuition paid. I have attempted to set up a driver course if the people would pick up their phone. I have attempted to get into Comm 405. I have bought toilet paper. I have deposited my checks. I have attempted to get into other classes so I don't have to take Engl 417 (editting BOO)
Other than that my sister will be here today with her old roommate from college on her way to "Camp". A family place up in Potters County that barely has running water. I might go with her if I feel that I have the time. I don't work for the next 2 days so maybe. That should be oh so interesting... O_o oh me and my sister... ("my sister smokes, maybe THAT's why I don't like her" - i'm such an ass)
That be all, other than I'm almost done my 2000 piece puzzle! lol. I'm somehow addicted to finishing it. I keep finding myself working on it when I should be leaving the house in the morning. It calls to me. *is confused*
Oh and I'm getting more paranoid about my car everyday. I freak out when I'm walking towards the parking lot and I can't see it. It's actually kind of pathetic, but I do love me some Mr. D