I've become much more liberal over the years it seems :)
Everyone has their own path in Tolkien fandom, and who is to say who is right and who is wrong? You listen to all sides and draw your own conclusions. There's a little bit of truth to be found in every point of view. In your refusal to claim that any one faction has the exclusive claim to Tolkien Truth, you tend to end up getting flamed by them all.
My connection isn't exactly as fast as it's supposed to be. I feel like trying to get into Hyperspace with a damaged Milennium Falcon (ah, so much Star Wars lately :D)
Getting the quiz results was so hard. I had to hit the "refresh" button at least six times. Seemed that the Hyperdrive was malfuctioning. I hope we don't have a burnout. [/Star Wars Fan Mode]
Oh dear, there I go again :D
And just a second ago I couldn't post this reply! *sigh*
Careful with that trout Nivinchen, somebunny is flopping on my feet while typing this :D Miss Floppy might prefer banana fro a midnight snack, but I'll make good use of that trout :D
Everyone has their own path in Tolkien fandom, and
who is to say who is right and who is wrong?
You listen to all sides and draw your own
conclusions. There's a little bit of truth to
be found in every point of view. In your
refusal to claim that any one faction has the
exclusive claim to Tolkien Truth, you tend to
end up getting flamed by them all.
Tolkienology 101: What is Your Tolkien Belief System?
brought to you by Quizilla
My connection isn't exactly as fast as it's supposed to be. I feel like trying to get into Hyperspace with a damaged Milennium Falcon (ah, so much Star Wars lately :D)
Yes, indeed! Even though I'm a conservative, I truly heart this saying. :D
What's wrong with your connection?
Oh dear, there I go again :D
And just a second ago I couldn't post this reply! *sigh*
Want a trout fro your connection? ;)
Miss Floppy might prefer banana fro a midnight snack, but I'll make good use of that trout :D
Oh sweet Eru, I'll miss her when I'm in Berlin!
*hugs Miss Floppy & Nivinchen*
Awww. Don't slap the bun with the slimy trout indeed. Hehe!
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