Jul 21, 2004 17:59
Two simple nouns, one which specifies the other: JOHN KERRY --another set: JOHN EDWARDS The excitment is curdling beneath the surface. i am hoping against a child's imagination that i will be able to attend a day of the enlghtening festivities. Although my birthday is a few months away, i have concluded that only one present will suffice. And THAT, will come a week early, unless the event happens to be postponed due to the peninsula of America. i hope it occurs in my favor. i'll move if it doesn't. To CANADA. (on second thought, i'll move to France, and particiapte in "je n'aime pas Bush parceque..." (a string of real French insults follows...) College is a year away, and yet it feels as if i am already behind as far as standardized testing and selection of where to send an application is concerned. --KSU --KU ACT test date: October sometime, and hopefully the only time. Perhaps i can graduate early- no, forensics is necessary. i recently completed viewing The Manchurian Candidate for the thrice time. As far as everybody elses lives are concerned, i hope they're going well and i hope y'all are having brilliantly enchanting summers... that's disgusting: "i/me" total: 12, if you count "je" it's 13 that's terribly selfish. selfish shellfish...have always wanted to say that, it sort of clicks