Feb 06, 2004 04:03
The id is the great reservoir of the libido, from which the ego seeks to distinguish itself through various mechanisms of repression. Because of that repression, the id seeks alternative expression for those impulses that we consider evil or excessively sexual, impulses that we often felt as perfectly natural at an earlier or archaic stage and have since repressed. The id is governed by the pleasure-principle and is oriented towards one's internal instincts and passions. Freud also argues on occasion that the id represents the inheritance of the species, which is passed on to us at birth; and yet for Freud the id is, at the same time, "the dark, inaccessible part of our personality" ("New Introductory Lectures" 22.328).
If I believed in the writings of Freud, I would say that I feel closer to the Id realm of things than the ego or the superego. Even though all three are supposedly inside us at all times. Freud concentrates too much on sex.
Yeah to all Id-ites.