Well well well, back so soon with another update for my legions of fans (all 10 of you).
Things have been cooling down a bit. I'm not working so much that I fall asleep at 11 everynight, but not chill enough to where I can come home wishing I had more work. I'm not as down about the elections as I was earlier but I'm still pretty pissed off. I'm hearing more and more bullshit that this administration has pulled off. For example, they are finding that there were more votes cast then registered voters in some counties. Not just one or two, but THOUSANDS of them. Whats great about this is that there is no paper trail, so we can't see get a real recount of the numbers. When the senate was asked to make a law that said there has to be a paper trail, they refused to allow it until 2006. They had no reason, they just said no. Eli has gotten me addicted to a station, 940 AM. Its called Air America and is aired all over the country. They have 3 main hosts who are all amazing. Randi Rhodes is my favorite. They also have Al Franken and some guy called Ed (forgot his last name). Check it out and you will learn a lot and learn to hate the republicans if you don't already.
http://www.airamericaradio.com. You can also listen online if you don't have it in your area. You can also learn a lot form this website,
http://www.blackboxvoting.org. Read up and listen to Air America and then try to tell me the election wasn't stolen from us.
Tomorrow, I GET TO SEE ZITA!!! YAY!!! Excited doesn't begin to describe how I feel. I'm not going to have too much time with her, but I will get to see her act. I'm going to bring her a belated birthday gift too. It will be great.
Now, while I don't work for BellSouth, I still work as a contractor for them and represent them. So I do have some sense of pride for the company. Allow me to say OWNAGE to AOL for being the evil bastards they are. For those of you who have no clue what I'm talking about, clicky here...
Well, thats all for now. Have a GREAT weeked.