Well, been a while since a real update. I've actually been extremely busy lately, working 8 jobs a day. I think the latest I stayed up this week was 12:30 before I passed out. I should have a nice paycheck which is good. I'm debating on weather or not I should get new headlights (could really use them) or work on building a Media Center PC.
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Comments 13
Sorry to hear your working so much, Bet that paycheck will be worth it tho!
Im up in Jax, are you back in Miami?
How are you and chicka doing?
I understand the busy all the time thing, been there done that. Hope I don't have to again, but in time Im sure i will have to.
Right now, Im not alwasys busy I just feel like it, because I am so happy to have free time, to do anything without consenquences, that I have been filling up my time like crazy, laundry, reading, writting, visiting, spending time w/George, watching movies with his dad, joining the book club, Sady, and cleaning. Cleaning and organizing, because (No Offence) but MOST men, are so damn dirty/sloppy!!!
Anywho, Don't worry if you don't read my entrys lastely, they haven't been anything good, and what I jsut said summs it all up for yah!
Have a nice night, enjoy your time!
Nice night to you too,
Talk to you later!
Well, you're a Mr. Nucular supporter, and I'm bashing the person you're voting for. How could you not be sitting there thinking about this long as reply you have waiting for me? Like totally duh :-P.
I really want to see Saw, looks great.
Too much work = money so that's not too bad.
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