Jul 23, 2004 19:44
No, Later.
The Ether Bitch
It is now later.
Dear evil pixie,
Due to your command I will now write the latest insightful and interesting ~*coughbullshitcough*~ happenings of today.
As one may guess my day began upon wakening, there was a slight chill, but nothing that would sustain for too long. I slowly dressed then trudged out into the kitchen delicately ate my breakfast, fed the cows and milked the pigs.
My parents are wishing for me to follow in my sisters footsteps and marry a rich man that I shall meet at the rising of the sun on the morrow.
Hah....okay that was fun for me. Life today was inexplcably boring, I just had cold pea and ham soup for dinner, because as I have stated before I am much to lazy, and the stove is all the way upstairs.
My back is sore and I need a cigarette, so i guess I'll be back to entertain ~*coughbullshitcough*~ you again soon enough.
I'm continuously tripping as if my body is inept at standing for too long, grasping doorframes just to connect my feet with the ground.
I Miss You by Blink 182 is sad but beautiful, one of those songs that buzzes across the background, entering it's way into my tiny beating heart.
I wish I could sustain readership (or rather writership, hmmm creation of new words), like writers of fictitious myths, capturing the world, capturing people in their smart stories, making one fall into a different reality. I just cannot seem to grasp it for long periods of time my stories fall in and out with my moods and emotions.