Title: Zebraflesh
Fandom: Final Fantasy 7
Characters/Pairings: Reno
Date Written: 2001
Summary: Reno and his broken little mind after the plate drop.
Rating/Warnings: R, language.
Notes: An exercise in catharsis. Most of Reno's angst comes from his own head.
You little shit, you didn't see yourself crossing the line, did you? Didn't even see it drawn there in the dust. )
Comments 2
2001, wow.
I had such a sick force inside me the whole time he was against that railing, and normally I like to encourage the humanity in people but for Reno ... I was virtually leaning forward with him, just thinking "Let go man, let go". It would be so much easier if he just kept those darker thoughts cemented in ... but then he'd be considerably less interesting too, right?
(I'm sorry, I know it's odd commenting on writing so old, but! I'm going to return to this Turk-fiction tonight I think ^-^ Sorry for becoming somewhat of a stalker!)
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